We are happy announce that District 10 is hosting a parent meeting about iReady! Please see the flyers below (in English and Spanish) for more information. Please use the registration link below or the one in the flyer.

Next week (3/10 - 3/14) we will be celebrating Civics for All week at PS 81! Civics Week is a city wide celebration of being a positive member of your community. In our classrooms next week, we will talk about what it means to be a good citizen and how to be an active and positive member of your community. We will highlight “everyday superhero” characteristics and discuss how we can exemplify those qualities each day in the communities in which we reside. On Friday, we will wrap up our celebration by dressing in superhero themed attire!

Report cards will be released to families on March 5th and will be available through your New York City Schools Account (NYCSA). Please visit to access your account. If you are not able to log into your account, please reach out to Nina Velazquez,
The 2025 Summer Rising Program registration will open this afternoon. In order to register, please refer to the attached letter from the NYCPS with information and directions on how to register for the program. In order to register, you will need to log into your MySchools account.

As stated in the letter, “The admissions process is not first-come, first-served. Apply any time by Friday, March 28 at 11:59 PM—all applications will be treated the same.” Please note, NYCDOE will decide who will be given seats in the program. P.S. 81 administration and staff do not make this decision.

Our school’s Summer Rising site will be located at P.S. 7 at 3201 Kingsbridge Avenue.

Important Dates
March 4, 2025: Application Opens
March 28, 2025: Application Closes
April 2025: Offers Released
July 2, 2025: Summer Rising Starts

For more information, please visit
Should you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Nina Velazquez,
The survey window for the annual NYC School Survey is currently open until Friday, April 4th. We would greatly appreciate everyone completing the NYC School Survey!! Your input provides valuable information for our school. We always strive for 100% participation from our P.S.81 Community!

Please note that there is a survey for each student. If you have more than one child attending NYCDOE schools, please complete a separate survey for each child.

Please visit the link to complete the survey:

Your ACCESS CODE to the NYC School Survey is a lowercase “f” followed by your child’s ID number. Please reach out to Ms. Knecht - or Ms. Capurro - if you need your child's ID number.

You may also fill out the PAPER survey that you received in your child's backpack and mail it out yourself or send it in to your child's teacher to be mailed by the school.

If you complete the survey online or mail the survey in yourself, please Dojo your child’s teacher to inform them.


***All classes that have 100% completion will receive bonus GYM time***

Thank you to those families who have already completed the surveys and a special thank you to those classes that have already reached 100% completion!!
iReady and NYCPS are encouraging families to increase their engagement with iReady during March. Research has shown that increased time on iReady is linked to increased achievement.
We are encouraging families to have their child(ren), mainly in grades 2-5, to spend two hours or more per week on iReady. Ideally, kids would spend one hour on reading and one hour on math. Most students have their iReady login information in their homework folder. Thank you for your support!
On Thursday, February 13, District 10 will virtually host the first part of three meetings focused on the Science of Reading program. The meeting will take place in the evening from 6:30-7:45 pm.
The focus of this session is the role of oral language in reading and activities that can be done at home to support oral language through storytelling, singing and conversations. Information will also be shared on how to access HMH resources at home so you can read along with your child.
Please find the link below:

There is an APP for you to access your New York City Schools Account NYSCA



NYC DOE 2024-2025 School Calendar

NYC DOE 2025-2026 School Calendar


Lunch Menu


P.S.81 Cell Phone & Electronic Device Policy

We recognize today there may be a need for students to carry a cell phone. Therefore, students are allowed to bring their cell phones to school, with guardian’s permission. This will enable you to communicate with your child before and after school. However, once in the school building, all cell phones must be turned off and kept in the students’ backpack. In addition, students may give it to the teacher to be kept in a secure location for the school day. Cell phones may not be used during lunch and recess. In case of emergency you may call the main office to leave a message for your child (718-796-8965). This policy is also in place for the use of iPods, iPads, tablets and all other devices capable of recording or playing back audio, photographic, or video content, or sending/receiving text, audio, or video messages.

If a student is found to be in violation of the cell phone/electronic devices policy the following protocol will be followed:

1st Violation: The phone/device will be taken from the student and returned at the end of the day.

2nd Violation: The phone/device will be taken from the student and the parent/guardian is contacted to pick up the cell phone.

3rd Violation: Use of cell phones is suspended for the remainder of the school year. The cell phone must be checked in at the main office at arrival every school day.

Please note the school is not responsible for the theft, loss or damage to student’s technology devices. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the school. The safety of our students is a schoolwide community responsibility. Together we can increase safety and promote responsible “Digital Citizenship” among our students.

School Leadership Team SLT

School Leadership Team
SLT Meetings are open to all parents, even if you are not an SLT member.
Here is a description of what the SLT is:
The link is the same for all meetings.
The meetings begin at 2:30 pm.
You can attend either IN PERSON or via ZOOM!
2023-2024 Schedule
Wednesday, Sept 27, 2023
Wednesday, October 11, 2023
Wednesday, November 8, 2023
Wednesday, December 13, 2023
Wednesday, January 10, 2024
Tuesday, February 13, 2024Wednesday, March 13, 2024
Tuesday, April 9, 2024
Wednesday, May 8, 2024
Wednesday, June 12, 2024
Click Here to join the ZOOM MEETING ID: 981 8267 4420
Passcode: 081123

P.S.81 Dress Code Policy

All students should dress appropriately for school.  Students may not wear revealing clothing such as shirts, skirts, shorts or other clothing items that reveal private areas of the body. Students may not wear clothing displaying foul language or slurs against any race, color, creed, religion, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, disability or weight. In addition, appropriate footwear for physical education and outdoor recess/structured play should be worn on a daily basis. Flip flops are not allowed due to injuries in the schoolyard when children are running.  Please see the following link for additional information regarding the NYC DOE Dress Code Guidelines. 

Brainfuse HelpNow!

Brainfuse HelpNow!

On demand, anytime, anywhere eLearning. See how easy, intuitive and engaging Brainfuse HelpNow eLearning is for all ages and levels.

Live online tutoring is available from every day 2:00 PM to 11:00 PM EST.

Use your NYC Library Barcode to get started!

HelpNow's features include:

  • Homework Help Interact with live tutors in math, science, reading/writing, social studies, PSAT/SAT, ACT, AP and state standardized tests.
  • Skills-Building Choose your topic to receive real-time help.
  • Personalized eLearning Tools My File Sharing, My Session Replay, My Tutoring Archive, My Tests Archive, and more!
  • 24-Hour Writing Lab Submit essays and other forms of writing for constructive feedback.
  • Homework Send Question Submit homework questions for expert guidance.
  • Adult Learning Center Access a library of rich adult learning content (GED) and live, professional assistance in resume/cover letter writing, U.S. citizenship prep, MS Office Essential Skills Series, and more!
  • Foreign Language Lab /Spanish-Speaking Support

Learning Platforms

At P.S. 81 we are using multiple platforms to communicate with families & students.

Every class has a Class Dojo where teachers & staff can communicate directly with families. Please be sure to check your Class Dojo daily for Important Information and Updates from your classroom teacher, other staff and the administration.

Teachers are posting required student assignments on Google Classroom for Blended and Remote students. Students should log onto Google Classroom using their unique username and password. 

For help using any of these platforms, please see the resources below. 


Classroom Dojo Help for Parents


Google Classroom

 Parent Guide to Google Classroom PDF

 Parent Guide to Google Classroom Slideshow


Feel free to email  or for help with any of our online resources!

UFT DIal a Teacher


  • What: Homework help line for students, run by classroom teachers

  • Where: Call 212-777-3380

  • Who: Students in kindergarten through 12th grade

  • Hours: Monday through Thursday, 4 to 7 p.m. when school is in session

  • Languages spoken: Armenian, Bengali, Chinese, English, French, Haitian-Creole, Korean, Russian, Spanish and Tagalog

  • Subjects available: English, math, science and social studies